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时间:2024-12-02 21:55:11  来源:http://www.robovimo.com  作者:admin



1. Most mobile robots are still in the design stage.

2. The robots have been on trial for the past year.

3. These cars are built by robots.

4. In the story, human beings were replaced by robots.

5. They built a robot capable of understanding spoken commands.

6. Science fiction stories often mention robots that can talk.

7. Robots can relieve people of dull and repetitive work.

8. She worked like a robot.

9. These robots are capable of shape discrimination.

10. The robot is a marvel of modern engineering.

11. Simon's book provides a succinct outline of artificial intelligence and its application to robotics.

12. What's coming next are robots that do the actual cutting.

13. Aesop, move right, Colvin says, and the robot obeys.

14. Do you think it is possible for a robot to think for itself?

15. Lots of pilots plot to dot the rotten robot.


1. They have docked a robot module alongside the orbiting space station.

2. They built a robot capable of understanding spoken commands.

3. She worked like a robot.

4. The robot is a marvel of modern engineering.

5. Aesop, move right, Colvin says, and the robot obeys.

6. Do you think it is possible for a robot to think for itself?

7. Lots of pilots plot to dot the rotten robot.

8. This toy robot is the latest craze all over the world.

9. The toy robot moved forward with quick jerky steps.

10. Construct a flow chart to make a robot cross a road.

11. And the long-promised home robot?

12. I often hear tell of a so-called robot.

13. In November, Canadian surgeons used a robot named Zeus to do single bypass surgery.

14. At least one American firm has designed an armed security robot capable of firing a weapon.

15. The robot orderly, for example, can deliver meals and prescriptions; it still can't make the bed.


1. 机器人工程专业毕业后可以从事自动化设备维护、调试、编程、技术支持等工作。

2. 工业机器人技术专业毕业后可以从事机器人系统集成、应用开发、技术支持等工作。

3. 学习工业机器人技术专业毕业后可以从事机器人编程、系统维护、设备管理等工作,具有很好的发展前景。

4. 工业机器人技术专业就业前景分析,主要就业方向包括机器人系统集成、自动化设备开发、技术支持等。

5. 工业机器人技术专业学的内容包括机械设计、电气工程、编程语言、控制系统等。

6. 工业机器人技术专业比较好的大学有上海交通大学、华中科技大学、北京理工大学等。

7. 学习海洋机器人专业毕业后可以从事海洋机器人系统开发、海洋资源探测、海洋环境监测等工作。

8. 海洋机器人专业就业前景分析,主要就业方向包括海洋机器人系统集成、海洋工程、技术支持等。

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